****** Warning *****


New member
Listen to BASS on this one fellas....
The reason taking higher levels of insulin for a long period of time is harmful is due to the fact that when insulin is released throughout the body it converts glucose, from the blood, into glycogen stored in liver and in muscles. Therefore, taking 'slin over a long period of time irresponsibly, theoretically, can cause diabetes (hypo) because blood glucose levels are so high then crash over that period of time. Think of it, if one takes higher levels on 'slin the time of injecting instantly their blood glucose skyrockets then a few hours later it crashes. Do that all the time day in day out, many harmful side effects occur. BTW the coma's are caused because 'slin enters the brain via bloodstream, thus overusing 'slin will flood the brains receptors along with increasing blood glucose within the body causing harmful effects (I bet ppl knew already just clarifying). Also, I'm not too educated on how insulin works in correlation with our body's potassium and calcium storage, but I assume by overusing insulin fatality occurs also because of how 'slin effects those two elements in our body. Not sure if I claryfied some things



seriously i am not a pro in the Insulin area and this shit sounds like a f@cking train wreck waiting to happen if you veer off of your regiment just a bit... I just want to say thanks to all of you looking out for one another!! definitely shows true character!


New member
What a doughnut ?? No way for me its good carbs

Exogenous insulin has been associated with increased insulin resistance, a symptom and possible pre-condition of type 2 diabetes. For instance see:

Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia
Is hyperinsulinemia the cart or the horse?

Diabetes Care February 2008 vol. 31 no. Supplement 2 S262-S268

As far as practical protocol for non-pro level users of insulin (meaning you are self medicating without experienced assistance), you should at a minimum be tracking your a.m. pre meal blood sugar at least every few days if you choose to use regularly, especially if using for extended periods. If this average begins to rise more than five points or so over a few weeks, time to back away for a while.

Other than that, I second all the advice given already about not using this powerful drug. Whack your insulin pwo with a doughnut and drink your 90 gm shake, works great!

(disclaimer, I use slin, I religiously monitor, any suggested ideas form this post are opinions)


New member
If you don't know what saying and haven't used insulin yourself.. Don't be giving out advice on it. Just reading what a few guys post about insulin does not give you the authority to give others advice on the subject.

I swear by that all is holy, I catch anyone giving out dangerous advice to where your putting some newbies life in danger. I will make it my goal to find you and make your life a living hell.

New guys... Take more than a minute and read up on this substance.
It is dangerous and could kill you quite easily if not taken properly.
There is a ton of articles out there.. Read everyone you can and then come forward with any questions

Please....Be careful

BIG BUMP- Basskiller long time golden vet, his page has always been my bible of info past what 10-15 years?? sheesh.
Insulin is powerful - it can create monster size, but the protocol is very very precise and if you over do it- you like DIE - not months or years later, but you can go into a coma and die- Ive seen it happen. This is one compound that can change you physically- but you need to reserach and take tiney tiny steps- start small and progress by tiny increments- I see too many newbies ( people with under 5 years ) thinking of using high doses of compounds- God help you if you apply that same nonsense to insulin................................Be Careful PLEASE- I dont want to read about any of my Outlaw Bros hurtin


New member
dont use humalin-r use humalog its so much safer i dont see why anyone would even want to use humalin-r

Actually if you dont understand how or why you would use a fast or slow one - then you really need to do more research. Im reluctant to say more but it all depends on what sugars you eat or how long you wait- Some may actually be better off because they can eat sooner and eat short chain sugars- Some people go over board and some dont. I actually have used insulin safely many times- but I never advise becasue Ive seen people die in front of me, but I am one that will use a Humulin -R as it suits me better. My temperment and tolerance. However I started very small and took weeks to find my level.

Just like in Bodybuilding I lifted natural for 15 years , i was bigger and stronger than every steroid guy in the gym- when I hit 30+ I began . Thats my temperment. I learn and do my research- Impatience breeds error


New member
Just curious, what is the minimum time frame u can run insulin and be able to truly benefit from this compound? And whether or not I'm cycling, I've been on Hrt for nearly 5 years so I will always have exogenous test in my system. I ask cus I've seen some run it 5 weeks, 6 months and even a year. And I'm assuming if you workout 4 days a week, then PWO you would inject say for example 4ius only on those days? So its best to inject either PWO days or EOD, would this be accurate? Thanks again.

You cant get an answer on this forum- No doubting Outlaw I love this place- but this topic you need to just google and reserach over and over - Look for similarities in philosophy not differences


Active member
Yo Bass, I know there's no "newb guide to using slin" cause of how serious it is, but are there any basics you could cover for us and make into a sticky?

I'm getting curious about it, but I'm still skeptical about half the shit I've read. I'd much rather see something compiled from a legitimate source. I'm sure it'd be beneficial to the site anyway.


This is a very serious subject. We lost someone in the gym earlier this year because this individual was given improper advice regarding insulin use.

Died way to young :-(


New member
If you don't know what saying and haven't used insulin yourself.. Don't be giving out advice on it. Just reading what a few guys post about insulin does not give you the authority to give others advice on the subject.

I swear by that all is holy, I catch anyone giving out dangerous advice to where your putting some newbies life in danger. I will make it my goal to find you and make your life a living hell.

New guys... Take more than a minute and read up on this substance.
It is dangerous and could kill you quite easily if not taken properly.
There is a ton of articles out there.. Read everyone you can and then come forward with any questions

Please....Be careful

Freaking agree man!!!
I wont even touch the stuff myself and I know how to use it... It is something that can end you right then and there!
Be safe guys!!


Read basskillers articles... On his site, re read it, then print it out and read it again, make an extra copy, highlight what you think is the post important, also ** what you think isn't, research the *** stuff first and ask question, then go back to what's important and ask more questions..

Then and only then should you come on here with your protocol together and ask for advice.


New member
Folks, Slin is freaking complicated. I sat on fence for four years, the whole time reading and reading, finally decided to run R. I now trust myself but I had several episodes of hypoglycemia. Ever eat 2k calories for breakfast, deadlift and nearly passout due to low blood sugar? HTF do you get low blood suger with 2k carbs? Oh yeah, slin, doh! Get the point? my post is this...don't do slin if you have no hope of earning $ from your physique.

Yes, my best lift EVER was on slin, test susp, NPP and ANA. It also TORE MY PEC. two weeks later when I was repping 325 to go for another shot at my best bench ever I heard the sound of ripping leather and the only pain I ever felt that was greater was when I broke my ankle on both sides...ice skating

I have not run slin since I tore my pec. I can finally do about 40-50 push-ups at 200lbs +-, lost 25 lbs of muscle but got ripped well enough and I have better response from family and strange alike. Seems looking like a tank is no longer sexy but looking like a marble statue is in ;-) Well I'm not that sharp since t-day but I have no desire to run slin again, but I can vouch it is a game changer and if your not careful it will change your game for the rest of your life, in a coma.
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New member
I used humulin-r before and at the time I was competing and seriously training to get to the next level. I used it with different roids and I did read my ass off on everything I could find on the subject of blood sugar and slin effects prior to doing it,I even bought a glucometer to test with. This is what I learned from what I have done.
1. Get a glucometer because you dont know how it feels to have the hypo coming on so at least with this device you can see how much your sugar is dropping and take measures to correct it.
2. Start off with small amounts like 2 units and each week bump it up 1 to 2 units til you get to around 10, you probably wont need more than that but you will learn with time.
3. Use the shortest acting you can find,Humalog if you can get it but some require a script for it and humulin-R is readily available most places.Those are the only two I would ever use.
4. As a beginner only use it with your post workout meal. That is the most effective time to administer it.I didnt try to count my carbs and cut it to the min when I used it.I would load up on that post workout meal so not getting enough carb was never an issue.
5. Dont use it if you are going to sleep within the next few hours.
6. One thing to keep in mind is that insulin is going to lower your blood sugar,your brain and organs use this sugar to run on. Not enough blood sugar in your system = not enough to your brain and it will starve and you will pass out and maybe die. Any physical work you do will also lower your blood sugar so work and insulin are not a good combo.Just something to remember in case you think of taking it before a workout or at your job during lunch break etc..
7. Insulin works by, OK lets say it like this. Your own insulin is released when you eat.It opens up the cells so to speak so that they can get the nutrients in to feed them. When we workout our cells are starving for nutrients to rebuild the tissue. Taking extra insulin at this time will open up the cell door wider and for a longer period of time so that the cells can feed much more and for a longer period of time than they could normally.That is basically why you get bigger muscles when taking it.

Hope this adds to the safety of our younger guests,be safe bros and gain as much knowledge as you can...
Best post I have seen in a short summary. Slin is freaky and it works great if you respect what its doing. Don't look at the plus side alone, learn the downside and know its dangers as its not like AAS which MIGHT hurt you someday down the road. This will KILL YOU NOW. Not simply hut your liver enzymes, who cares? My uncle takes 20 drugs and his liver enzymes are fucked but he keeps ticking like a Rolex. I'm talking bamn! YOu dead man!


Active member
The only insulin I will do is levmir if I’m putting on some weight and eating a lot but I still keep fat low to moderate…two or three times per week I’ll wake up and do 2iu of hgh and wait and hour then I shoot 20iu of the levmir and wait 15 mins then start eating for the day…I worked up from 12iu to 15 to 20 iu I stay there and have seen many shoot upward of 100iu of this long acting insulin and you can’t go hypo off it…def safest way unless you’re goin pro and know how to run Milo’s sarcevs insulin protocol to a T and you’re trying to put on 30lbs in an off-season…not for the average guy on here tho I’d stick with levmir and levmir over Lantus even