****** Warning *****


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docwill said:
MrM is deadon correct wiht this. Everyone's body reacts differently. Just 'cause you've got a friend who started at 5 ius doesn't mean that it was smart or that he wasn't lucky.

For that reason, I would disagree with Jordan that most folks are erring on the side of caution. I, for example, can't do more than 7 ius of slin without getting VERY tired and going hypo and I stuff a ton of carbs (simple and complex) down right after I inject. I've played with the timing of the carbs and the types and it still doesn't work. If I would have started with 10 ius rather than 2, things would have gone pretty badly.

For newbies, you MUST be cautious with this shit. If you are experienced, then you know what your body can take, but even that can change some depending on what else you are taking.
Here is Another example of everyone being different. It takes me 35 minutes to start to go hypo with 20iu of Humalog PWO. (PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS)


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not smart

some people are just to dumb to be dealing with such a powerful drug! read for yourself and ask lots of questions to people that are really educated in that area not just your boys buddy.


New member
what does this have to do with what I said?
I'm not tellling people not to use it.
But since you brought it up..

I say this. Half of the guys that visit bodybuilding boards shouldn't even use steroids. Way too many guys use gear as either a crutch or a short cut. Not as a tool to get you over a plateau. Insulin should be the last thing you should even think of trying. Exhaust all other avenue first. Then and only then should you start researching it. Many things can and do go wrong and if you don't realise them when they happen..You could wind up dead. It's that simple. Something that none of us want to see. Lets help each other, not harm.

Jordan said:
I'm not here to argue or piss any one off, but what one chooses to do or put in to his own body for the sake of enhancement is up to them. I am glad to hear that many of you error on the side of caution. But the fact remains that if youv'e reached a certain level through traditional methods, and want to take it to the next level, you are going to have to live on the edge a little. The fact is that "ALL THE REALLY BIG PRO'S USE, OR HAVE USED INSULIN". One simpley cannot consume, digest, and absorb enough nutrients to become that massive without it. I find it ironic that most of you are pro HGH/IGF-1 and anti insulin. Do you know that if you run large amounts of GH for enough time not only will you not receive the full effects of GH but you run the risk of becoming diabetic. HGH causes blood suger to rise initially, therefore your body is forced to produce excessive amounts of insulin in order to balance out blood suger. This can over tax the pancrease and eventually burn it out. By running insulin with the GH the pancrease does not have to work as hard. I suggest some of you do some more research on the matter before posting your opinions. It is my belief, based on the research I have done, that IGF-1 and DNP are much more risky to ones health. I'm not saying either are bad, just more dangerouse. I have used IGF-1 and I think it's great in terms of gains but I have also experienced very unusual sides with it as well. As for DNP go's I would rather follow a strict diet and cardio program than run the risk of cooking my organs alive. My advice to anyone considering doing any of these things including regular gear is to do your research, read all the liturature and talk to as many knowledgable people as you can. When you have all the facts it is then up to you to decide to way the risks vs. benefits and make an informed decision.
PS. Tip for all you know it all's here: did you know if you take GH IV versuses subcue you increase the absorbtion, and thus the benefit, up to 30% or more. Read the medical literature from Serono.


New member
i guess its better to see people scared of insulin then everyone going out and trying it.yes, some people will react differently to insulin and CAN hurt themselves.but,statements like OLDBASTARD'S is just false.i personally have done insulin for a year straight(10ius post workout)which was like 2 to 3 times per week.this was a year ago and im not sitting here a diabetic.why did i stop? i guess i was tired of dealing with it cause you MUST respect the drug or it will bite you in the ass.i would always make sure that i went right home(with carbo force in hand)and then i had 3 meals planned out over the next 4hrs.also i made sure that i didnt go ANYWHERE for at least 5hrs.it was a constant force feeding regimen.there was times when i got relaxed and didnt start my intake of carbs right after my shot and i would start to sweat bad and feel clamy.then i would get dizzy(just got real bad after that)but as long as i got some glucose in me quick i was good in about 5 min.OK,i will tell you what i did.my girl was over and i told her not to let me fall asleep cause i took insulin right after our workout(we just walked in from the gym).so,she knew what this all ment cause i throughly explained it to her.so she jumps on the computer and i lay on the bed(DONT DO THIS)......so about 15min go by when i wake up sweating my ass off and im SO damn hungry that i just run to the kitchen and eat what ever i can find.im mean im eating cookies,cake,anything.finally my body starts to feel better and im back to normal in like 10min.but see this all happened cause of my dumb ass.i should have been drinking my carbo force the min after my shot at the gym,and never have layed down.then this whole thing would have never happened.yeah i yelled at my girl but it was ultimately my fault.ok,point is that if you are careful and know what you are doing insulin can be done fairly safely,,,,imo.


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My Experience

I used humulin-r before and at the time I was competing and seriously training to get to the next level. I used it with different roids and I did read my ass off on everything I could find on the subject of blood sugar and slin effects prior to doing it,I even bought a glucometer to test with. This is what I learned from what I have done.
1. Get a glucometer because you dont know how it feels to have the hypo coming on so at least with this device you can see how much your sugar is dropping and take measures to correct it.
2. Start off with small amounts like 2 units and each week bump it up 1 to 2 units til you get to around 10, you probably wont need more than that but you will learn with time.
3. Use the shortest acting you can find,Humalog if you can get it but some require a script for it and humulin-R is readily available most places.Those are the only two I would ever use.
4. As a beginner only use it with your post workout meal. That is the most effective time to administer it.I didnt try to count my carbs and cut it to the min when I used it.I would load up on that post workout meal so not getting enough carb was never an issue.
5. Dont use it if you are going to sleep within the next few hours.
6. One thing to keep in mind is that insulin is going to lower your blood sugar,your brain and organs use this sugar to run on. Not enough blood sugar in your system = not enough to your brain and it will starve and you will pass out and maybe die. Any physical work you do will also lower your blood sugar so work and insulin are not a good combo.Just something to remember in case you think of taking it before a workout or at your job during lunch break etc..
7. Insulin works by, OK lets say it like this. Your own insulin is released when you eat.It opens up the cells so to speak so that they can get the nutrients in to feed them. When we workout our cells are starving for nutrients to rebuild the tissue. Taking extra insulin at this time will open up the cell door wider and for a longer period of time so that the cells can feed much more and for a longer period of time than they could normally.That is basically why you get bigger muscles when taking it.

Hope this adds to the safety of our younger guests,be safe bros and gain as much knowledge as you can...
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First Id like to say that I agree with everyone's reaction to insulin being a little different, thus neccesitating that cautious newbie's start w/ a very low dose and more carbs then they might need at first and experiment in very small incremants to determine what dose and how many g's of carbs they personally need to avoid hypo. When you take moderate ammounts of slin hypo can creep up on you but unless you took alot or didnt eat any carbs there is ussually more than enough time to take action. But only if the person has arrived at dose through slow incremental experimentation. (Im speaking about when doses and carb intake are within reasonable guidelines, in other words if you take 50iu's of humalog your first time and only eat 20g's of carbs then you WONT have the luxury of slow gradual hypo onset that would enable you to pop some glucose tablets in plenty of time.)
But Id like to add that other things your taking will effect the dose and carb intake needed. When I stacked it w/ PGF2a, I was going hypo alot more often and a lot easier. Sometimes Id even barf from trying to eat the needed serving of carbs only 1hr after an initial serving and would get so full Id puke. But Id go hypo if I didnt get my blood sugar up. But W/out the PGF, I ussually take 12iu's a day, and very rarely go even a little hypo. Not everyone will need 10g's of carbs per iu either, but it's a good safe place to start. Some will need more then others. When I stack it w/ GH, that reduces my slin sensetivity enough that I could take IGF and slin at the same time and not go hypo. It's all about learning your body. If you decide to do it, err on the side of caution, then learn your body. I learned ALOT about my body and feel more in tune w/ it after learning how it responds to exogeneous insulin.


New member
I would prefer that we stick with what Basskiller said… and that most folks on these sites see insulin as a dangerous Pro drug… for two reasons really…

1. It is dangerous if you are stupid with it and don’t always respect that it can get you… Since we've all been to places like Walmart to remind us of how many stupid people there really are out there, I just see it as too dangerous. Morons will kill themselves with it, which, in the long run gives the media more material to demonize the whole AAS bodybuilding genre and they don’t really seem to need much in the way of excuses as it is…
2. Because that way I’m sure I will be more jacked than most of the other folks since they don’t use slin and I do lol :D


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you would prefer? Post #1? Bass said that if you have not used it and know what you are doing with it then shut the F%#@ up about it. I agree with that.Just because you know how to read doesnt mean you understand how a substance works and what it can do to you.
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New member
Questions about insulin

Is the reason someone has to start out at say 5 and increase because the body becomes desensitized?

What about insulin dependence? Can this not happen given time and increased doses of insulin? Wouldn't someone using it become diabetic over time?

I am just curious. It seems like a big risk to take and was curious about the effects of short and long term use.



New member
pcgizzmo said:
Is the reason someone has to start out at say 5 and increase because the body becomes desensitized?

well you should really start out at 2iu just to be safe, and the reason you should start lower is because insulin is a very powerfull and daneruous drug and you want to be able to assess your own individual response to it slowly and responsibly, take too much test you'll just get a lot of water retention, take too much insulin and it could KILL you.
play it safe


New member
when we say 2 iu's. i know we mean the same as gh units on the syringe, but are all insulin bottles the same--100mgs/10ml? so when we say iu we always just mean 1 click on the syringe?


New member
Most danerous drug to play with!

Insulin is a scary drug no one should ever start with a dose as high as 10 units, that is what is usaully used in a clinical setting to lower a blood glucose level of 400 or more,what do you think the average person is at post work out??? 80-90 tops .lol I have seen folks 500 and over get 12 units and go down to 30 in 1 hour flat!!!! and guess what if they are alert enough to drink 8 oz of OJ with 4 sugar packs or with glucotrol sometimes they still need a glucose drip to get over their BS over 60 and not be drueling and think they are singing at the senoir prom. And just imagine taking 10 or more units when your bs is only 80 ....100 carb drink may not catch you in time I dont think most of us out there have a IV to get glucose in fast. My point in a controlled clinical setting with doctors and nurses around its tough enough. If your gonna do it get some glucotrol and start with a lower dose like 2 just to let you know 5 units.....5 units is a usual dose to manage a BS of say 200-250 and these folks been taking the drug for years. So please be careful never take it if you dont got lots of carbs handy and if you feel cold and clamy get some candy.....lots and lots of it lol. sign and symptoms of low BS cool clamy, skin, shaking of extremities,stuper, nervousness,coma ....death!!be safe all.


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Thank you Bass,been on several boards which you MOD'd,trust what you say 1000% Thought about using this product,not now,Thanks.....cc


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Great advice. I am in the medical field and I see this *^&% all the time when people go hypo and it is serious stuff! Always do your research on ANY medication. There are OTC drugs if taken without knowing the contraindications that can kill you. Especially if you are on presciption drugs and trying to do AAS. Always consult with medical advice. And if your not sure about all the research you do on boards or on google, it doesnt hurt to contact a local pharmacist, anonymously, and ask them what their opinion is also, if you dont want to pay for a medical visit (hint: usually a pharmacist will have better objective evidence than a MD on medicine interactions)!!!

If you don't know what saying and haven't used insulin yourself.. Don't be giving out advice on it. Just reading what a few guys post about insulin does not give you the authority to give others advice on the subject.

I swear by that all is holy, I catch anyone giving out dangerous advice to where your putting some newbies life in danger. I will make it my goal to find you and make your life a living hell.

New guys... Take more than a minute and read up on this substance.
It is dangerous and could kill you quite easily if not taken properly.
There is a ton of articles out there.. Read everyone you can and then come forward with any questions

Please....Be careful


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I find it simply amazing that someone would rather pump insulin into their body instead of focusing on a strict diet and cardio. I cant count how many patients ive picked up over the years with hypoglycemia. If you think for a minute that you will be able to "feel" when your blood sugar is low - your kidding yourself! When your level drops below 80, you start to loose your clear/normal mental state. People with low blood sugar act like they are drunk or on drugs - if they are still consious.


New member
is it necessary to inject insul? cant you get it from foods? does someone actually NEED to?(besides a diabetic)