****** Warning *****


New member
If you don't know what saying and haven't used insulin yourself.. Don't be giving out advice on it. Just reading what a few guys post about insulin does not give you the authority to give others advice on the subject.

I swear by that all is holy, I catch anyone giving out dangerous advice to where your putting some newbies life in danger. I will make it my goal to find you and make your life a living hell.

New guys... Take more than a minute and read up on this substance.
It is dangerous and could kill you quite easily if not taken properly.
There is a ton of articles out there.. Read everyone you can and then come forward with any questions

Please....Be careful
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good post bass this is definitly serious stuff and can kill you ....i have a freind that spent 2 months in acoma from going into a diabetic coma from not using slin right...BE CAREFUL...


New member
Definitely, good post bass. I learned quite a bit about insulin use and the risks of hypoglycemia before I ever tried using it post-workout.

To all the newbies who are intrigued about using it, let me tell you, hypoglycemia is a condition not to take lightly at all. You feel like you are LITERALLY going to die if you do not get some sugar in your blood FAST. And actually, you CAN die if you inject too much and don't get sugar into your system fast enough.

I know exactly what it feels like. One minute you feel fine, and in as little as 5 minutes later, you can be at least moderately hypo.

Do not use insulin before researching it as much as you can first.



New member
Russian Roullette

I know of a particular IFBB Pro (Sonny Smidt, from Hawaii) who killed himself with insulin. He took a 100 units of humilin-R and went in the shower. They found him dead days later. As far as I am concerned anybody that would do something so stupid might as well commit suicide. You can kill yourself swallowing a whole bottle of tylonal also.
As I mentioned in a recent post I have been using insulin for years. As long as some one starts low 5 to 10 IU and takes in 100 two 200 grams of simple carbs they should be fine. Once your body gets acustomed to using it you can slowly raise the does, I.E 15 units, then 20 etc. Just make sure your taking enough carbs and it's fairly safe.


New member
Jordan said:
I know of a particular IFBB Pro (Sonny Smidt, from Hawaii) who killed himself with insulin. He took a 100 units of humilin-R and went in the shower. They found him dead days later. As far as I am concerned anybody that would do something so stupid might as well commit suicide. You can kill yourself swallowing a whole bottle of tylonal also.
As I mentioned in a recent post I have been using insulin for years. As long as some one starts low 5 to 10 IU and takes in 100 two 200 grams of simple carbs they should be fine. Once your body gets acustomed to using it you can slowly raise the does, I.E 15 units, then 20 etc. Just make sure your taking enough carbs and it's fairly safe.
Your telling me you think 10ius is a good place for a newbie to start? You have to be &^%$%^ kidding me!!! I've personally seen guys go hypo on as little as 5iu's. And you want a newbie to do 10.


New member
when i first started with slin i started with 2 or 3 ius and worked my way to 5iu i have never gone over that i really did not have a need to either


New member
As long as they take in adequate carbs I believe a beginer can start at 5iu and work up to ten very quickly. I don't think 2 iu is going to have much of an effect even on a beginner. It also depends on the type of slin one starts with. Humolog is much faster acting and therefore stronger than humilin-r. Therefore, I think a beginner should start with humilin-r and once they become accustomed to it's effect move on to humolog. I don't like the longer acting slins becuase they are to unpredictable. You really don't know when they will peak so it's hard to gage your eating unless you plan to just eat the whole day straight with no breaks.


GOOD post Bro... Thats one drug I never give advice on or will ever recommend...


New member
dksteel said:
i'm with you on that one glock.......another one i wont touch is dnp....and you know that story bro...

Me as well...I know tons about insulin as my sister is a diabetic...I would still be VERY WEARY of using it...I will do DNP...I remember the heat WAY back in the day that EF had cuz that lil dumbshit got himself killed from following shitty advice...


Active member
I've been using for over twenty years and have never used insulin. Just too risky. If you are intent on giving it a shot you MUST listen to this advice.


New member
To use or not to use that is the question?

I'm not here to argue or piss any one off, but what one chooses to do or put in to his own body for the sake of enhancement is up to them. I am glad to hear that many of you error on the side of caution. But the fact remains that if youv'e reached a certain level through traditional methods, and want to take it to the next level, you are going to have to live on the edge a little. The fact is that "ALL THE REALLY BIG PRO'S USE, OR HAVE USED INSULIN". One simpley cannot consume, digest, and absorb enough nutrients to become that massive without it. I find it ironic that most of you are pro HGH/IGF-1 and anti insulin. Do you know that if you run large amounts of GH for enough time not only will you not receive the full effects of GH but you run the risk of becoming diabetic. HGH causes blood suger to rise initially, therefore your body is forced to produce excessive amounts of insulin in order to balance out blood suger. This can over tax the pancrease and eventually burn it out. By running insulin with the GH the pancrease does not have to work as hard. I suggest some of you do some more research on the matter before posting your opinions. It is my belief, based on the research I have done, that IGF-1 and DNP are much more risky to ones health. I'm not saying either are bad, just more dangerouse. I have used IGF-1 and I think it's great in terms of gains but I have also experienced very unusual sides with it as well. As for DNP go's I would rather follow a strict diet and cardio program than run the risk of cooking my organs alive. My advice to anyone considering doing any of these things including regular gear is to do your research, read all the liturature and talk to as many knowledgable people as you can. When you have all the facts it is then up to you to decide to way the risks vs. benefits and make an informed decision.
PS. Tip for all you know it all's here: did you know if you take GH IV versuses subcue you increase the absorbtion, and thus the benefit, up to 30% or more. Read the medical literature from Serono.

bio labs

Jordan said:
I'm not here to argue or piss any one off, but what one chooses to do or put in to his own body for the sake of enhancement is up to them. I am glad to hear that many of you error on the side of caution. But the fact remains that if youv'e reached a certain level through traditional methods, and want to take it to the next level, you are going to have to live on the edge a little. The fact is that "ALL THE REALLY BIG PRO'S USE, OR HAVE USED INSULIN". One simpley cannot consume, digest, and absorb enough nutrients to become that massive without it. I find it ironic that most of you are pro HGH/IGF-1 and anti insulin. Do you know that if you run large amounts of GH for enough time not only will you not receive the full effects of GH but you run the risk of becoming diabetic. HGH causes blood suger to rise initially, therefore your body is forced to produce excessive amounts of insulin in order to balance out blood suger. This can over tax the pancrease and eventually burn it out. By running insulin with the GH the pancrease does not have to work as hard. I suggest some of you do some more research on the matter before posting your opinions. It is my belief, based on the research I have done, that IGF-1 and DNP are much more risky to ones health. I'm not saying either are bad, just more dangerouse. I have used IGF-1 and I think it's great in terms of gains but I have also experienced very unusual sides with it as well. As for DNP go's I would rather follow a strict diet and cardio program than run the risk of cooking my organs alive. My advice to anyone considering doing any of these things including regular gear is to do your research, read all the liturature and talk to as many knowledgable people as you can. When you have all the facts it is then up to you to decide to way the risks vs. benefits and make an informed decision.
PS. Tip for all you know it all's here: did you know if you take GH IV versuses subcue you increase the absorbtion, and thus the benefit, up to 30% or more. Read the medical literature from Serono.




New member
definately nuthin to fuck with. my 57 year old uncle Mikey died last year from an insulin overdose. he was in the hospital and told the nurse she had given him to much and that he was gonna "crash" by the time they got him to ICU he was already DOA. it can happen so quickly. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL


New member
My Advice is listen to what basskiller is saying. Everyone is different. start low and work your way up. so people's body are very sensitive to slin and some aren't. I'm one of those who doesnt get the effect of slin like others.


New member
Jordan said:
I know of a particular IFBB Pro (Sonny Smidt, from Hawaii) who killed himself with insulin. He took a 100 units of humilin-R and went in the shower. They found him dead days later. As far as I am concerned anybody that would do something so stupid might as well commit suicide. You can kill yourself swallowing a whole bottle of tylonal also.
As I mentioned in a recent post I have been using insulin for years. As long as some one starts low 5 to 10 IU and takes in 100 two 200 grams of simple carbs they should be fine. Once your body gets acustomed to using it you can slowly raise the does, I.E 15 units, then 20 etc. Just make sure your taking enough carbs and it's fairly safe.
If someone takes insulin over a long period of time, that person will eventually become diabetic. No ifs ands or buts. It is best to stay away from it.


New member
MrM is deadon correct wiht this. Everyone's body reacts differently. Just 'cause you've got a friend who started at 5 ius doesn't mean that it was smart or that he wasn't lucky.

For that reason, I would disagree with Jordan that most folks are erring on the side of caution. I, for example, can't do more than 7 ius of slin without getting VERY tired and going hypo and I stuff a ton of carbs (simple and complex) down right after I inject. I've played with the timing of the carbs and the types and it still doesn't work. If I would have started with 10 ius rather than 2, things would have gone pretty badly.

For newbies, you MUST be cautious with this shit. If you are experienced, then you know what your body can take, but even that can change some depending on what else you are taking.


New member
I did three years of research before I ever tried slin.

I even went a bit paranoid and bought a glucometer to test my blood every 15 minutes up to 5 hours after injecting. I would have glutose tablets with me in my gym bag, in my car, everywhere I went.

I also started at 2iu's and built myself up until I reached 7iu.

Even with all these precations, I've only done two cycles and probably never will again.


Becuase I was a F---ing nerveous wreck for four hours after taking it. I even educated my wife on the signs of hypo and what to do if I had a reaction.

Anyway bro, like everyone else has said, this is the only component that you will ever use with AAS that ONE MISTAKE will kill you, period.


New member
Oldbastard said:
If someone takes insulin over a long period of time, that person will eventually become diabetic. No ifs ands or buts. It is best to stay away from it.
I've heard this numerous time, over and over again. but for some reason can NEVER find a study, could yo upost your findings because it sound like you have.