What kind of routine?

Anal Holocaust

New member
When you are starting out?

I'm 19 years old, 6'1, and 190lbs, I sure as hell am not ripped, and my stomach needs all the help in the world, here's my routine so far:

I do as many reps of 20lb dumbbells as I can (via sets of 20, 20 in one hand, 20 in the other, 20 in the other again, etc...) then when I can't do 20's anymore, I switch to 15's and do the same thing again.

Now, can someone suggest a routine for me, and a diet that will help me get down to ~180lbs so it's easier for me to start doing abdominal workouts?


(Sorry for the repost, I just want to get into getting in shape faster. ) :cool:
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New member
Well, as far as the diet goes, your body is used to the weight that it is now based on the intake of food that you have now. If you are 6'1" and at 190 you should really want to know what is keeping you at that weight. Take a day and eat normally and write down the caloric value of everything you eat and it would prob be a good idea to get a macronutrient breakdown (carbs, fats and protein). One pound of fat contains approx 3500 cals so you will have to burn 3500 more calories than you take in to lose that pound.

As far as routine, since I assume that you are a beginner and want to loose body fat and increase lean muscle, I would do prob 4 exercises per body part at 3-4 sets/excercise and 10-12 reps/set and train 4 days/week. Throwing in a good 30 mins of cardio every other workout day would go a long way as well.



Biker/Bowhunter Moderator
Staff member
I would recommend you visit www.Mesorx.com and visit there training and nutrition sections. Read and read some more, You won't find better advise anywhere on the web. 5x5's and HST are just a few training programs to look at. If your just a beginner then you need to start with all the basic movements and get a solid foundation. As far as nutrition goes at 190lbs you need around 2850 cals per day to maintain, spread them out over 5-6 meals per day. A good ratio per meal is 40%protien, 45%carbs, 15%fat. Throw in some cardio 3-4 times per wk and you'll start to burn some of the extra weight and still put on muscle.............11

His Grizzness

New member
Did I read that right? Are you saying that your entire routine is DB curls? Ay dis mio! Don't make me speak spanglish to you! LOL Yeah, do exactly what Eleven said. Best advice you could receive.

Oh yeah, and just remember, bro, the body has more parts than arms.