Ultimate Muscle Building Training Program


YourMuscleShop Rep
I know it seems simple but after decades of training I’ve finally discovered the combination that works best for me.

Workout 1
compound chest movement
Heavy ez curl bar upright rows
Dip machine
Heavy DB side laterals
Pec Deck or flyes
Tricep pushdowns

workout 2
Back thickness move (heavy and hard BB bent over rows or seated cable rows)
Back width move 1 or 2 sets with variable bar grips
V bar pull downs to squeeze 2 sets
Rope lat isolation pulls or DB pullovers 2 sets
Rear delt moves DB or machine
Hammer curls DB

workout 3
Legs (whatever)

repeat the cycle as often as you can but not more than 6 days in a row of training


YourMuscleShop Rep
The first 2 exercises on the upper body days are where I’m doing most of the work

both in volume and poundages

starting with the 3rd exercise it’s more pump and increasing overall workload and volume