

Since I've started back in the gym lifting weights a little over a week now I've noticed pain in the middle of my forearms, mainly in just one spot. If you hold your arms straight out it's towards the outer edge right by the bone. Is this tendonitis? It hurts like hell but I just say fuck it and just deal with it when lifting I'm thinking it's just because I'm just getting back started. Is there anything I can take to help with the pain or just deal with it or just go with the "No pain no gain" comments I get from the people in my gym. God just getting back sucks.lol I hate working out everything except for arms, those are always fun, but I'd hate to have big arms and no body.lol


New member

it is irritation of the extensor tendons--similar to shin splints in the anterior tibia.

i have had it for years and have worked throught it....it gets to a point where ithe pain plateu's and it's never really caused a major injury.

using the cambered bar for curls and doing hammer curls takes alot of the stress off of the extensor tendons.


New member
Bro, I'm currently going through the same thing you are.

It happened whilst doing E-Z bar curls about a month ago. Now whenever I work my right arm, I get like a bruise like feeling in my forearm. It's strange, I'm going to see a doctor next week. Let us know how it goes for you.


Active member
Just another Side Effect of getting stronger then your tendons can handle. I use to get it all the time but not as much lately. I actually have tennis Elbow since April now. I've just been working around it. Cant do any side laterals


It's alot better now, although I did not work out arms tonight I was feeling like crap from not enough sleep the night before so I will be hitting them tomorrow. I'll see how they feel once I hit the preacher curls and some skull crushers.lol The guy's at my gym just tell me to learn how to live with it because the pain will be on and off for a while.


Active member
GDSGFT said:
Bro, I'm currently going through the same thing you are.

It happened whilst doing E-Z bar curls about a month ago. Now whenever I work my right arm, I get like a bruise like feeling in my forearm. It's strange, I'm going to see a doctor next week. Let us know how it goes for you.

ive had it for a few years. it hasnt been bugging me too much lately though. just stay away from the straight bar curls, thats what always made my tendons flare up. go with dumbells or the ez bar and take some aleve ar advil or something. i went to the doc and basically told me "if it only hurts when you lift, quit lifting" well i laughed my ass off at that comment and walked out of the office. theres really nothing you can do


New member
both arms

This is way strange.. because I just started having the same problem..only its the entire forearm from elbow to wrist..on both arms. It feels like a toothache (or shinsplints) I thought that it happened because I was doing a lot of heavy rowing before I did biceps..so I rearranged the sequence. It didn't help and in fact today I trained triceps after the rows and had the same difficulty. Sometimes I back off of the number of reps I do..but mostly I just push through it and then bitch a lot to anybody who will listen.


New member
Oh shit... I know that hurts. When I worked oild fields of west texas, I got it so bad in one arm that you could hear the tendon move through the sheath... it sounded like a door creaking. You could actually see the tendon popping as it squeaked.
It went from where my thumb attached to my forearm all the way the the middle of my forearm....
I had to get a script for some Prednisone (anti-inflammatory). It rocked my stomach... but took a ton of swelling down.
It took my a few weeks to recovery.