Opinions most appreciated-Should I add a flat bench to my home gym? (pic incl)


New member
I train at home. For the past few years I have exclusively done incline barbell presses because "everybody" seemed to favor them over flat benches. I use a power cage and a Hammer Strength 30* bench for incline presses, but the way I made my cage doesn't allow me to do flat benches. It wouldn't take much to make an olympic flat bench (I have 12 days off for Christmas so it's the perfect time) or maybe buy one used in Toronto if the price was right. Should I get a flat bench so I can switch between flat and incline? Here is a pic of the bench I have in mind. Very simple design unlike the Hammer Strength olympic flat bench.


Can you post a pic of your power rack too??? I might be able to make a suggestion I am pretty darn handy. Do you have tools to make modifications to the rack if needed, rather than buying a new bench?


New member
I would get it if i were ya bro, i try to blast a few flat and incline movements in each workout. I have got quite a bit of equipment from newspaper ads..like thrifty nickel...cuz most of ppl will buy equipment and use it twice, so then they will practly give it away...but the one that you posted looks like a nice one that would be in a gym...if i were ya i'd get it and say

Merry fucking X-mass too me! :D



Active member
hey man go ahead and make it. theres alot of equipment at the gym i use thats been made by a guy. he makes all of the squat racks, weight trees, and benches that we have.

he trades out equipment for his membership lol