hst workout modification


New member
hello, I have been viewing this board for a while but this is my first post. I also posted it at meso. I am just trying to get a few good opinions.
I really liked the HST program. Towards the end though my joints (mainly in my knees) were bothering me. I feel that for my body doing squats or any excercise 3 times per week is too much. I plan to start back into an HST style workout but rather than doing the same workout 3 times per week having a workout A and Workout B. I plan to follow the HST principles for reps and sets, I will be doing workout A on monday,friday and workout B on Wednsday.
Workout A
Incline Bench
BB Row
Flat Dumbell
Pull up
Military press
Skull Crusher
Barbell Curl

Workout B
Dead lift
leg extension
dumbell Fly
T Bar Row
Lateral Raise
Close grip press
Single arm curl

With this routine I feel that each muscle group will be worked three times per week without overworking. I would really appreciate any comments on this routine.


Biker/Bowhunter Moderator
Staff member
Done HST a few times myself, I see know problem with what you have planned, you might want to do calves in WO A. Also last last 2 wks of the 8wk program did you do Negatives or max weight for 5 reps. I use HST 2-3 times per year and your right the last 2wks are killer............11


New member
hello 11,
Thank you for the response...I believe that we have chatted over at meso about hst when I was preparing to do it for the first time. I finished off the final two weeks with the 5 rep maxes; I do not have a workout partner so the negatives were not possible. I am hoping to accomplish with this modified routine hitting each mucle group three times per week, maintaining lots of core movements, and not hurting myself(too much).


Biker/Bowhunter Moderator
Staff member
5rep max is the way to finish, I would think the negs would be to hard on you plus I workout alone too so it's not possible. HST is a great program, I'll be starting it again at the end of the month . Been doing 5x5's over the winter with pretty good results. goodluck..........11