Compound sets and drop sets


New member
What do You guys think about compound sets and drop sets I only really get pump when I do these kind of exercises


New member
4 sets Milatary press w/4 sets of lateral rises (dumbell)

3 sets Arnold press w/ 3 sets of seated barbell front raised

2 sets of behind the back rises (cable) w/2 sets reverse peck deck

i need a new work out for BI and TRIs


New member
That many sets would cause my delts to be severly overtrained. I don't do any more than 10 sets for any bodypart, but like everything else in bodybuilding, everyone is different and some deal with volume better than others.


New member

Ouch bro, that's a lot of delt dev. Do you go 7 weeks between routines :)

5 sets of delts and I'm done.



New member
SPINACH51 said:
4 sets Milatary press w/4 sets of lateral rises (dumbell)

3 sets Arnold press w/ 3 sets of seated barbell front raised

2 sets of behind the back rises (cable) w/2 sets reverse peck deck

i need a new work out for BI and TRIs

I personally like a high intensity, medium volume routine. I also like drop sets and although I don't do them, I like supersets as well. That being said, I have to agree with Dart. That is simply too much volume for delts. You have military presses and Arnold presses in the same workout. You MAY be working the muscle in a SLIGHTLY different angle with these two exercises. But basically you're just doing 7 sets of presses. Also, I think the front delts take enough of a pounding during chest exerices. They're also going to be hit during your shoulder pressing exercises. So I PERSONALLY find front raises to be an overkill exericise. Here is how I would set this up:

Military Presses - 3-4 sets ( I'd do them alone since they are a core exercise )
Side Raises/Rear Raises - Superset 3-4 sets.
I like to work traps with shoulders. But if you don't, I'd call it a day. If you still feel like you need front work at the end of this, throw in 2 sets. By the way, I love drop-sets myself and am currently using Trevor Smith's " Beyond Failure " routine. If you like failure and drop sets, look into it. I'm loving it so far.