

New member
hey guys i was just wondering how much cardio should i be doing ? for a bulking cycle and for lean mass? right now im going to the gym eod. and doing cardio before my work outs? i do about 15-20 min on the elipical machine? what do u guys do ..or what works for u ?.. i just wanna burn fat and try to keep as much muscle


If you can do your cardio in the morning before you eat you will see that you need to less cardio to achieve the results you want.


New member
dukebrown said:
If you can do your cardio in the morning before you eat you will see that you need to less cardio to achieve the results you want.

Duke is correct, morning is best IMO. It is tough to get accustomed to waking up so early to do morning cardio, but after 2-3 intense weeks you will see some great results as long as your intensity is high. IMO HIIT cardio is the way to go. If you need some more info regarding this method of cardio LMK bro.



New member
I agree w/ duke & opti

first thing in the morning will get ya the best results.

If you insist on doing it w/ you workouts....i would do it after your training...because your heartrate should be up a bit, and you would have more of a likely hood to burn fat...instead of doing it preworkout for 15-20mins and only getting your heart rate up and not geting into the fat burning zone

If you are in the middle of bulking i would continue with the EOD mentality, because you do want to keep your gains lean, but you don't want to attack your gains

good luck bro



It definately works, I was the most ripped in the Army because I would eat my ass off and we ran 3 miles 3x per wk and did pu and su the other 2 days. With my afternoon lifting scheduale I looked like a pansy out there in the mornings but I had viens coming out my chest and shoulders.