What do yall think?


How do you guys deal with working out while sick? Just don't go? I hate this shit. I was feeling on top of the world back in the gym for over 2 weeks stamina going up like motherfuker and I woke up Friday morning feeling like I was going to die. Had no energy have not been able to eat shit basically feeling like I'm coming off of opiates or some other kind of drug and I have not taken anything. Just thought l feel alot better talking about it here to see if this maybe has happened to anyone else here. I mean I know we all get sick but damn talk about one extreme to another.


New member
What I have learned is if your symptoms are from the neck up you go to the gym and tough it out...if they are below the neck get your ass in bed and suck down some chicken soup


Looks like I'll be going with the chicken soup my ass is officially sick. I live in the South and like 3 days ago it was around 40 degrees. It was like that for a whole week and felt great. The very next day upper 70's with 100% humidity. Talk about dramatic that could be why I'm sick as well. I know my signature says hurt,pain agony, love it! but if you noticed I don't have feeling sick added to that.lol This fucking sucks I guess it's all uphill from here as down as I am.