T3 weight loss


New member
Hi. I am currently running 20mg of anavar and 2iu Hgh. I have been on HGh for 6 months now and the anavar for 3 weeks. I am going to run some T3 starting next week. Can anyone tell me about an expected weight loss. I am looking to lose about 10-15 lbs. over the next 8 weeks. I lift heavy 5 days a week. I try to do cardio once or twice a week. My diet is good but I can’t shed these last 10 pounds. I’m 5”7 145-155 lbs. the scale changes hourly. Lol. Any experience would be appreciated. Thank you.


New member
T3 is potent as it's active thyroid it certainly helps fat loss, if you have never used it I would start low for sure especially if you have a normal functioning thyroid.
The only issue I see is the possibility of muscle loss, 20mg of Anavar and 2ui HGH, inst going to protect you that much in regards to T3, especially on a cutting diet.....


Active member
My wife who is your height and weight and is experienced using several compounds to enhance her physique used T3 every summer along with a clean diet and cardio will easily drop to her desired 130 lb weight in about 3-4 weeks.

I also suggest starting low to start and work up to 1 tab or .25 mcg.
1/4 tab every morning for 3 days.
1/2 tab " " "
3/4 Tab - same

1 tab for 4-6 weeks then taper down as described above in reverse.

Any question you may contact us by PM.
My wife who is your height and weight and is experienced using several compounds to enhance her physique used T3 every summer along with a clean diet and cardio will easily drop to her desired 130 lb weight in about 3-4 weeks.

I also suggest starting low to start and work up to 1 tab or .25 mcg.
1/4 tab every morning for 3 days.
1/2 tab " " "
3/4 Tab - same

1 tab for 4-6 weeks then taper down as described above in reverse.

Any question you may contact us by PM.

Very solid advice!!!!!


New member
Thanks for the advice. I started the T3 on Friday. I am feeling great so far no sides except I feel really warm. Almost like my blood is hot.


Active member
If the scale changes “ hourly” you are holding alot of water weight. Cardio twice a week may not be enough for you, esp since your diet is only good n not great! Dont rely on drugs to drop weight, drugs are for finishing!! Cardio and diet shoukd be your main priority

And whoever stated 2iu of gh and 20 mg of var isnt enough to put off muscle loss while running low dose of T3 on calorie deficit your 100% wrong. If gh n var are real its more then enough


Exactly! Can't lose the last 10lbs because you're not doing cardio. Truth hurts!

If the scale changes “ hourly” you are holding alot of water weight. Cardio twice a week may not be enough for you, esp since your diet is only good n not great! Dont rely on drugs to drop weight, drugs are for finishing!! Cardio and diet shoukd be your main priority

And whoever stated 2iu of gh and 20 mg of var isnt enough to put off muscle loss while running low dose of T3 on calorie deficit your 100% wrong. If gh n var are real its more then enough