Shoulder Surgery?


Well-known member
Simply, after 25+ years of lifting and other abuses, I can no longer press incline, overhead, or bench more than 60lb dumbbells without significant pain. I've tried months of rest, rehab, injections to the bursa and outer biceps tendon with minimal improvement. The injections worked for the initial pain, which crept back after several weeks. I'm only in pain during those movements and sore post training as it resides overnight. My surgeon is recommending a subcromial decompression for this. When looking over the MRI, there isn't a bone spur or anything abnormal looking with the acromion, to point to anything impinging. The doc says smoothing the bottom of the acromion should fix this issue tho. It makes sense to me and I'm ok with this. This is basically what ended Roelly Winklaar's career.


In the MRI, the report discusses moderate arthrosis in my AC joint. I wasn't expecting this as I have ZERO pain here. I find this fairly strange since my body makes me fully aware of any other arthritis across my body. It makes sense tho why both my ac joints pop from time to time. Anyway, my guy is also planning a distal clavicle resection for the AC joint. Not knowing anything about AC resection, I took a deep YT dive on the procedure after hearing this. I am seeing a bunch of mixed opinions and results there. The comments are mostly gibberish and the vast majority of the commenters DON'T EVEN LIFT. So it's been hard finding viable opinions. Many complain about permanent pain doing certain movements post recovery. I know this is a fairly common issue among weight lifters and I'm sure some of you guys have dealt with this. I asked my guy. Why do this if I feel absolutely no pain there? He basically said, you'll be back later if it's not done now. I'm just worried about turning this AC issue into a bigger issue and permanently limiting my future training. I'm having a second opinion in a few days. Advice welcome.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Get a second opinion.
I had 2 shoulder surgeries. impingement and bone spurs removed.
Second one didn't go that well.
I have no cartilage left, major arthritis and bone spurs now.
I need a full replacement. I live in pain. Wakes me up almost every night.

Shoulders are very complicated compared to knees for example.


Well-known member
I regret my shoulder surgery see more doctors and see a top sports ortho. I'm talking guys working on NFL or MLB. Seek them out please


Well-known member
My second opinion today doesn't think I need surgery. He showed me where the acromion and bottom of the AC is in fact impinging. He's fairly conservative in saving surgery for a last resort. He set me up for rehab to build up strength around my shoulder blade in hopes that will give more room in my shoulder to function smoother. If that doesn't work I'll be seeking a top sports ortho.


Well-known member
Smart doctor...back when I was growing up they'd open you up for anything. I hope everything goes smoothly don't rush the healing process. I know as a athletic person we push to hard at times but now is time for patience. You've been working out for years I hope you work out forever man.


Well-known member
Thanks and I hope too as well. The wall comes for us all at some point. The second opinion was truly valuable as he took his time with a deep dive, thoroughly explaining everything. He covered many things my previous ortho didn't. Both are great guys and its partially my fault, because with every visit and in between, I'm learning so much. I'm able to have more educated discussions that lead to better questions. Going to get one more opinion from my city's MLB ortho who is in already in network with my med group. After seeing how big the bone spur is under my acromion today, I feel like I need a tie breaker. Which, I'm setting up first thing tomorrow.
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Well-known member
I get it. Everyone has 'a guy' and claims they're the best.

But do yourself a favor and see Brian Cole out of Chicago. I don't care if you live in Turkestan, it's worth the trip. He's been talked about on this board before for a reason, and you will NOT regret it.

As far as I'm concerned, he is the absolute authority on anything shoulder-related. And the shoulder is NOT something to screw around with.


Well-known member
Like I said I regret having my shoulder surgery I think it was a frozen shoulder looking back. I remember the doctor saying do you trust me going in... I do know people who had bone spurs where they had to shave it down alittle for improvement. Inless it's killing you and you can't do normal things like take a shower or go to the bathroom or do laundry or work. I wouldn't touch it if I was you just my 2cents. Anytime you go into surgery you can make it worse or build up arthritis which in return will make you regret it more. Alot of doctors are backing away from doing surgery now even if you were younger they may not want to touch you..