Pip and lumping


New member
Hi I've been on trt a few months and never once had pip or lumping, I recently ordered from a ugl to do a higher dose test and decca 1 cc decca 2cc test a week. 4 out of 4 of my last injections, I have had pip and lumping at injection site lasting about 4 days. Is that normal or bad gear? I feel great physically it's just the pip. Is this something that's common for ugl gear.mabe im allergic to the carrier oil or benzo alcahol? Any feedback or guidance to a good source would be highly appreciated.


Active member
It's normal from some sources and I think it's to much BA usually in them. Did you notice the ugl pushing through your pins alot faster? Sucks when it happens but as long as you can deal with the lump id just finish the bottles out and switch ugl source. Who did you get the gear from?


New member
Yea I did notice the ugl gear pushing through a bit faster, but I try to do it slowly. The gears from bodygear.to I think it's the same as iron daddy I found it on another form, muscle gurus dont know how reliable it is, i can deal with it and finish the bottles that's what I was hoping to do, as to not mess up my cycle. But I will try and look for a better one, hopefully I find one. Thanks alot for the advice I appreciate it.