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New member
Me -
Mid 30s. Played football from 6-18 yrs old.
Never got addicted to the gym. I'd go for 3-6 month stretches at a time, but I never looked forward to it and had nearly 0 drive whatsoever in life outside of playing video games.

At the urging of my close friend, I spoke to a doctor about TRT and had my test levels checked.
Obviously pure natural, test was at 82. Quite low for an average man, as I know everyone here is aware.

I'd like to discuss how bad (realistically) that it was for me to go on test before spending years in the gym, building a foundation like everyone says is required. As I said before, I have worked out for years, but never longer than a few months at a time. I am very familiar with the gym, especially at this point. I went into this, already familiar with how the majority of my muscles respond to which form of training. That said, I still never saw much progress at all, no matter what I do in the gym.

I got on 250/w of Cypionate.
now im in the best shape of my existence. I get better looking every week. I feel better than I ever have and I have like a limitless feeling / sense of drive and ambition. I started working crazy overtime at work just because I felt driven to do so. I was getting recognized for my work ethic, sense of ambition in life. I even got married shortly after all this started.
Now I only think about how much I want to improve. I've never had this feeling, not before taking test. Not once.
I've never looked forward to the gym until I started this journey and now it's my favorite part of the day.

I was 265, 40 waist, nearly 0 muscle and quite literally 0 self confidence, drive, or even a sense of purpose in life. I ate once a day because it was the only time I was hungry. Played games and didnt wanna do anything else outside of work.

I've been on 250/w of just test-e for about 1 year and 4 months. Since beginning this, I have dropped down to 212 lbs, roughly 15% bf, put on a shit load of muscle all over, 31 waist, and I have never felt better in my life. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I dont plan on stopping with this any time soon, if ever. I'd just like to open the floor for some discussion about why people are adamant about squeezing every ounce of your supposed potential before switching to enhancements. Is this something that is really only for younger lifters, ie 25yo? Or is this a hard and fast rule for all people, of all ages? I am very much addicted to this lifestyle now and I would've never gotten there without checking something that I didn't even know was a factor, my natrual testosterone levels.

In the end, it's your body and you will do what you want. Be smart and get your blood checked, as I was urged to do.
