My Contest Diet


New member
hey bros, a few ppl asked about my diet so figured i'd post it in the nutrition forum

my bud did all of my diet for me (he knows alot & made it e-z for me); we would meet up @ least once a week and check pinches, and take digital chart progress, if i wasn't coming along quick enough...we would either cut calories somewhere or increase cardio...or sometimes both.

at the begining it was:

30mins Cardio on empty stomach
Meal 1: 6egg whites, 2 whole eggs/1scoop whey/1cup oats
Meal 2: 10oz lean meat/1cup oats/1cup greens
Meal 3: Post work-out shake/1cup oats
Meal 4: 10oz lean meat/1cup oats/1cup greens
Meal 5: 6-8oz lean meat/1scoop whey/1cup greens
Meal 6: 3-4scoops whey/ 1cup greens
Meal 7: *if wake in middle of night*-3scoops whey
30mins Cardio on empty stomach

did this for 4weeks, but since i had a lot of bf to shed we cut the oats and the middle of night shake out after the 4weeks.

hope this helps



New member
Thanks bro, you said that was your first contest?? Either way great progress.. How much cardio did you work up to towards the end. 1hr/day-2hr/day??


New member
yeah bro,

that was my first,

@ the end i was doing 50-60mins sessions x 3

one first thing on empty stomach

one rite after training

one just befor bed

towards the end i perfered doing sprints....i would power-walk 1mile...then do 1-2miles of sprinting straights-power walking the rest....and would end w/ 2lap cool down

hope this helps
