My chest is lagging!!!

hella swole

New member
Hey guys I need some help and suggestions on ways to bring my chest out a bit. It seems to lag behing my other parts. (ie: I am 6 foot 1 and weigh 230 @ 12% BF and only bench 275 8X's and 315 for about 2 reps, off cycle) I don't know why it is lagging I think I have a good chest routine. I hit it hard once a week w/ incline and flat presses w/ DB's or bar, I do declines and weighted dips, and sometimes add some flies in there. Alot of heavy pressing and it is still lagging. Should I start training it once a week maybe. Any help is appreciated. Thanks


I am currently about the same stats as you and had suffered a slight shoulder injury so I cant push more than 275 for the past 3 weeks. The chest needs a rep range of 6-10 to grow. I did the powerlifting thing for football and got up to a 420 bench last year, can I do it now, NO but I am 3 inches thicker and leaner.

hella swole

New member
Yea maybe ill try slighty higher reps b/c I have been going pretty heavy for a while now, but I do some dropsets already


New member
I have the same problem and I started doing DB's only for about two months and my chest has come along nicely. I would try that for a while and then throw in some barbells later on. I believe dumbbells are the best for chest growth because you get a better stretch than what you get with barbells. Usually when I do barbells I don't feel like I got a chest workout usually my shoulders, front delts, and arms get the blunt of the workout. Maybe that is why my shoulders and arms are so big, hummmm. :confused:



New member
I Started Doing Cable Fly's In Between Sets Of Incline And Flat Presses And It Really Helped Me Feel My Chest Working During The Sets. I Also Adjusted My Form, I Made Sure My Back Was Arched And My Shoulder Blades Were Pulled Together. Its Helped My Chest In The Past Couple Of Weeks.


New member
A lot of bros do not realize that when you work chest you must guide the weight up from your elbows, squeezing the bar and your chest with nice slow reps. Promise , this will work if you specialize with higher reps and varying the hand spacing.

remember squeeze


Flat bench bothers my shoulders also but incline doesnt. I prefer DB flats and barbell inclines with variations of flyes thrown in to complete the WO .Has anyone used those DB hooks?


New member
JOEY11 said:
I Started Doing Cable Fly's In Between Sets Of Incline And Flat Presses And It Really Helped Me Feel My Chest Working During The Sets. I Also Adjusted My Form, I Made Sure My Back Was Arched And My Shoulder Blades Were Pulled Together. Its Helped My Chest In The Past Couple Of Weeks.

Proper form helps I see you figured that out.


New member
patriots said:
A lot of bros do not realize that when you work chest you must guide the weight up from your elbows, squeezing the bar and your chest with nice slow reps. Promise , this will work if you specialize with higher reps and varying the hand spacing.

remember squeeze

and the stretch!