M&F Rock Hard Challenge comes to a close...final pics!!


Active member
So I spent roughly 8-10 weeks busting my ass for this gig. Honestly thoug, I wish I had been super strict on my diet and not cheated as much. I still had great results but it could have been way way better. Overall I believe I ended up gaining around 17 pounds while cutting body bodyfat. I went from a sloppy 190, to a lean, hard 207. This isn't the end though. I have some things in the works right now. I am back on the grind and still in full prep mode. After dropping the var, I am just running test/tren. I've dropped 5 pounds since these photos. Creeping down below 200 as we speak. I am much leaner than these photos, but my diet is spot on, no cheating, and sitting around 2500 calories a day currently.

Biggest difference to me was the overall improvement in the size and thickness of my shoulders/chest/traps. Enjoy..






Active member
Damn bro great job.
What were you running?

What’d your typical days macros look like?

I was on 250mg Test only every 7 days for the first 2 weeks. Added 50mg Anavar a day during week 3. Ran that up until 4 weeks out. 4 weeks out I dropped the test e and switchEd to Test Prop/Tren Ace/Var/T3/Adex the last 4 weeks.

My macros varied cause I cheated too much. I was rarely over 3000 calories. Tried to stay 2500-2800. Roughly 240-280g protein, cycled carbs and fats depending on the day.

Currently just on test/tren/t3/adex. Running that for a little whIle to prepare for wht I have going on now. Will add Mast prop in the coming week, and winny in another 4 weeks.


New member
Damn good job man cheating doesn’t show at all.
How much cardio were you doing? And what did you do for cardio if anything lol.

In 8 days I’ve gone up 1lb according to the scale at the gym. I don’t get it though because my stomach area has gone down 1.5” since then.
And I look noticeably thinner


Active member
Ya that's not uncommon. My scale went up 17 pounds and my body fat went down.

Now that my diet is very well dialed in, the scale is going down now. The difference is I'm not cheating anymore. I'm hitting it very hard and being on tren and t3, the more consistent your eating. And the cleaner it is, so long as you stay at your macros, I see changes from day to day right now. I just had my first cheat meal officially @ 1,700 calories from IHOP so I want to see the scales tomorrow and see how it will effect me. Being so close to what I need to do, only 8 weeks away, I may need to cut the cheat meal out, or else cut it out early at leaat, depending on how the scales look. I should hit sub 200 by next sunday.

Diet is absolutely everything


New member
What do you do to get rid of water retention?

I’m gonna do a body scan tomorrow to give me my exact bf% and bone drnsity


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Well, I take arimidex every other day, and I control what I put in my body. Foe me sodium doesn't make me hold water. Shitty food and too many carbs make me hold water. If I posted my daily prep on here you would see how little I play around. Different carbs treat me different. Plus I rarely go over 200g. A day. And that's a high day.


Active member
This morning @ 202.

8 weeks out. Right on target. Need to get down to 190-195. Lowe'r abs are KILLING ME in terms of fat loss and trying to get them to come out. I'm gonna keep hitting the low carbs hard and keep grinding.



New member
I honestly had even intention of coming in here and seeing nothing special. But shit dude. Great job

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Active member
I honestly had even intention of coming in here and seeing nothing special. But shit dude. Great job

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I appreciate it bro. Ya I used to be all about gear. That where I thought the gains came from. So I would run massive amounts and get moderate results. Now I'm on about 500mg total a week, and seeing the best results of my life. I am learning everything I can about nutrition and it's been night and day. I've learned about hormones such as cortisol, estrogen, shbg, how and what they do. It's really brought me a long way.

I set a goal to compete physique and chase my pro card, and I firmly believe in my mind that Im gonna do it. I've committed my lifestyle to doing why it takes. Prepping meals every single day, cardio every day, twice a day when I'm not working, logging macros every single day. It's just been a fun experience and a part of my life now, and I have absolutely zero intentions of slowing down.

I'm not a mass monster by any means but in better shape than I've ever been. But who knows...Im unlocking more and more genetics I didn't know I had every day, so at this point I fee the sky is the limit and all options are open at this point.


Active member
great job man. Looking shredded!

Thanks man. I'm 5 weeks out right now from my first show. I'm definitely looking better than anything seen here. Much more fuller. Slimmer waist. In really afraid of coming in too dry right now. Im probably 8% bf or close to it. I'll probably be around 5% by showtime. I think any less than tht,will be too much.