Low energy and var?


New member
Ok Ladies and Husbands, my wife just started her first ever gear cycle with var. She's been a steady lifter and runner for awhile. Our diet has improved and she does that fitness pal app that you input your food daily food intake. So she watches what she eats. But every since she started var, .5 am and .5 preworkout, she has no energy at all. Wants to sleep all of the time and doesn't even want to run. We've already ran 3 half marathons with one coming up in November and several 5k's. Any suggestions what would cause this? Any input would be greatly appreciated because we're at a loss right now.

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New member
Thanks guys. We went over her intake and she's gonna increase her protein and good carbs. And we're trying to work on her var cycle too

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Well-known member
Maybe your var is not var at all.... one of the most commonly substituted chems in the biz...

This... first thing I thought was that it might be dbol, which is something shady vendors sub at a real low dose for var. Dbol also makes a lot of people very lethargic.

I know I'm a dude, but I'm VERY sensitive to orals that cause lethargy, and if anything, anavar energizes me.


I'm currently running 60mg of var and I'm lethargic as hell, almost feel like I'm in a fog, then again I'm also running 3iu of geno's too so that could be contributing.