From Hell


Well-known member
I started a log with a sponsor who is no longer here so I'm gonna start over...

Came home from prison on 11/20/21. Went in on 2/27/18 at 230lbs and came out at 170 something. Lost over 50 lbs so that some assholes could make some money off me

I worked out but had seriously inadequate nutrition. I kept my strength up as best as I could. The 2nd night I was home I started some Test C @ 500/wk. I figured that by the time it kicked in I would be around 190/200 just from having real food and good gym time. I was right because I was 195 this morning and its only been 5 weeks since I started the Test. I think it's starting to come on but just within the last few days. Here's some pics...


Active member
Enanthate is a long ester and so is cypionate which I'm using
Yeah man, it's crazy how this I just started using it like 4 weeks ago but I could feel it kicking in by the end of the week for real. So in my studies I saw that apparently some of the testosterone doesn't attach to the ester, and that with enanthate for high doses it still needs to be injected every day


Well-known member
I used to run MENT. Love the stuff! I think that was an every day one but maybe it was eod. I was putting it in my calves, my traps, my shoulders, my pecs, my tris, ventro glutes.... Pin cushion