First cycle PCT advice - how much HCG (if any)?


New member
Hey all

Starting up my first cycle in Nov during off season. Running a decent bulk trying to focus on building my bench which is by far my weakest compound lift. I’ve been lifting for 5+ years now and all my gains have slowed to an agonizing crawl so I’m going to try out a moderate Dbol cycle for 4 weeks (I know it’s not what most people think of for a first cycle, but I’m rolling with it for cost effectiveness and to see how my body responds to anabolics before doing anything with a longer half life). I’m planning on taking 25mg a day in two doses of 12.5, once taken before training, and once taken in the afternoon/evening (both on an empty stomach). Planning to have arimidex on standby based on whether bloodwork comes back with high estrogen throughout the cycle.

after coming off on 4 weeks, I’m planning on taking Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG for PCT. This is where I feel uncertain. How much of each should I be taking? I feel the most uncertain about HCG because I’ve read a lot of different things regarding dosage so I’m not quite sure how to tackle it. Is it based on blood work 100% or is there a general dosage range I should keep in mind?

any constructive criticism is welcome


YourMuscleShop Rep
“How your body responds to Anabolics”



well what do you think is going to happen?! Lol

cost effectiveness - *what* (?!)

do what you want man but I think you’ll be disappointed and selling your time energy and effort way too short

get a bottle of cypionate or Enanthate (or 2)

take your Dbol, take 1ml of test every 7 days and just run with it

your problem here is that your more concerned about your pct than you are about the cycle itself

hell I’d rather you use more gear and longer and not use any pct at all

you’ll recover all the same I bet you


Well-known member
Youll get flammed for dbol only. But dbol and adex are poor mans var. If youre are scared of needles just say so. Id rather an anavar or tbol only cycle than dbol only. Less sides and better quality muscle. Macks right at like 25$ or so a bottle id grab two bottles of test e. Id do a test only at like 375 or 500mg per week with adex. Hit nolva at 40mg and clomid at 50mg two weeks after you last shot. After two weeks drop the nolva to 20mg. Run your pct like 4 weeks. Then before you even cycle there is blood work to see what your body pumps naturally and also what you want to recover to. Blood work like 4 weeks in check your estrogen levels. Blood work a couple weeks after pct is over to check your recovery. Quality food or your just pissing in the wind. Cost effective isnt part of this game. The cheapest part is the gear. Food, blood work, ancillaries, is where the money is.


New member
You're not getting the full effect on Dbol without a Test base. Test cyp or E are cheap and I would definitely recommend combining with Dbol. Though as first cycle recommendation is just the Test base but it's up to you. For PCT HCG and Nolva or Clomid (no need for both). Hcg should be 1000IU/1000IU/750IU/750IU/500IU/500IU/500IU EOD.