Fat Loss Cycle For Girlfriend..help

hello my girl is 29 and she has gained a few extra lbs since we have been dating from going out to eat lol...Her diet during the week and even when we go to eat it pretty healthy though but is still gaining so I'm going to write her out a meal plan but I need to know what the best supplements for her to use would be she wants a good pre workout and some legal fatloss supplements also what would be a good peptide cycle for her to see results fast with she doesn't want to use steroids I got her gw and mk677 but they did nothing for her so I don't want to fail again but I want something safe that won't hurt her what are some good things she can use..thanks I really appreciate it
She isn't fat she goes to gym everyday so she is in shape she just isn't happy so she has tried alot of things out there over the years I'm looking for something she can take that will allow her to lose 10 15 lbs but keep muscle that's why I was thinking peptides unless there are other oral sarms that work cause the gw and mk did nothing at all big waste


New member
Would it be easier to get a new, slimmer gf?

I have two limits, 150lbs and 25yo. Once a girl exceed one of them I get a new one.


hello my girl is 29 and she has gained a few extra lbs since we have been dating from going out to eat lol...Her diet during the week and even when we go to eat it pretty healthy though but is still gaining so I'm going to write her out a meal plan but I need to know what the best supplements for her to use would be she wants a good pre workout and some legal fatloss supplements also what would be a good peptide cycle for her to see results fast with she doesn't want to use steroids I got her gw and mk677 but they did nothing for her so I don't want to fail again but I want something safe that won't hurt her what are some good things she can use..thanks I really appreciate it

My wife has done Clen, ECA, T3, Winstrol, Phen, HGH, Masteron....she only likes Anavar. She Hates Winstrol and Masteron, i feel bad because im the one that suggested it. She dose not like to pin all the time with HGH. Stimulants she just does not care for. Phen does suppress appetite, but she dose not like it.

I know you will hear this 1000 times but diet, easy for my wife and I, we make a personal Menu, the kitchen is our restaurant. We actually do have Menus and they are on the Frig.

I just dont know how icecream gets in the frig..its not on the menu...haha


Active member
It's simple, a calorie deficit. If she's still gaining weight even though she works out, the simple answer is she's eating too much. Period. Create an environment of a calorie deficit whether it's eating less, working out more, or a combination and guess what? She loses weight.


Active member
What I really don't understand is why you're asking for a simple fix of meds/supps when obviously her eating is obviously not in check. I think you need to get back to the basics first. Just my opinion though but as I said, if she's working out and gaining the wrong type of weight, her eating is way off.


Female Member
I like the calorie deficit diet. Put less in than you put out. That's the only true way to drop weight. I am not sensitive to most supplements. I can be drug screened for work. Especially, new jobs. Right now I'm looking at adding on another job so Ephedrine is out of the question. I like phentermine for staying awake and it eliminates my appetite, but I don't like it more than occasional use. Everything else I have only minimal results. Again the only thing that truly works is diet and cardio.


Active member
Anyone have any info, other than the usual snippet you can find online, about women not being able to use D N P?


Well-known member
Anyone have any info, other than the usual snippet you can find online, about women not being able to use D N P?

I dont know if this is bro science and i am simply repeating what someone else said, but i do remember some *** guru ( dont remember the name) saying that *** can cause cataracts in women ( men as well) but higher probability for women, take it for what its worth.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I dont know if this is bro science and i am simply repeating what someone else said, but i do remember some *** guru ( dont remember the name) saying that *** can cause cataracts in women ( men as well) but higher probability for women, take it for what its worth.

This has been reported several times.
Its a small chance but not worth taking the chance for women I think.

So many other options.
I love phentermine myself.
Would stay on it all year long if I could.


New member
It's simple, a calorie deficit. If she's still gaining weight even though she works out, the simple answer is she's eating too much. Period. Create an environment of a calorie deficit whether it's eating less, working out more, or a combination and guess what? She loses weight.

BINGO! Simplest and easiest fix of all, diet diet diet!