Dieviolent's Anabolic Log (Non-Sponsored)


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Had to work outside today on a house in the 90 degree heat we had today up here. Tried to keep my fluid consumption up and feel like I could have done much better. I had gotten pretty beaten by the sun today so I didn’t do any big lifts and just stuck to McGill’s and my hip routine I’ve been doing. Calories are sitting a tad lower than what I was taking in but not by significant amounts what so ever.

Today’s Lift’s-
McGill’s Big 3
Hip 90-90’s
Single Leg Glute Bridge W/Ball
Bulgarian Split Squat

Today’s Calorie Expenditure:3925(1130pm)


Well-known member
Took 3 days off for the 4th of July weekend. Back at the weights today and hit back. Thursday the 4th, I had done chest. I'm really starting to feel the difference in my back after the time since I started McGill's. I highly recommend it to anyone with back pain. My hip is also starting to feel much better after doing my hip routine and I figure a few more weeks and it will be a night and day difference since I started this log.

Today's Lift's-
McGill's Big 3
Hip 90-90's
Single Leg Glute Bridge W/Ball
Bulgarian Split Squat
Pull up's (as many sets needed to get 40)(alternating grips)
BB Overhand Row
DB Incline Bench Row
Resistance Band Face Pull's


Well-known member
Today was another day running around after work and my back was nice and toasted after yesterday so I just focused on staying on track on my diet. No lifts today.

Today's Calorie Expenditure:3551(1030pm)


Well-known member
Yesterday was another busy day. Finally got my license back after being suspended for far too long. Going to do deads today.


Well-known member
Today’s Lift’s-
McGill’s Big 3
Hip 90-90’s
Single Leg Glute Bridge W/Ball
Bulgarian Split Squat

Today’s Calorie Expenditure:3547


Well-known member
Banged on chest today.

Today’s Lift’s-
McGill’s Big 3
Hip 90-90’s
Single Leg Glute Bridge W/Ball
Bulgarian Split Squat
BB Bench Press
BB Incline Press (last set was a DB Incline Press)
Resistance Band Single Arm Crossover
DB Skull Crushers

Today’s Calorie Expenditure:3805(1030pm)


Well-known member
Yesterday was an off day, today was a back attack. Added primo in @50mg weekly like the tren e. I didn't have a lot and just wanted to finish the bottle off. No other reason.

Today's Lift's-
McGill's Big 3
Hip 90-90's
Single Leg Glute Bridge W/Ball
Bulgarian Split Squats
Pull up's (as many sets as required to get to 40)
Land Mine T-Bar Row
Incline Bench DB Row
Face Pull's
BB Curl Finisher

Today's Calorie Expenditure:3381(1047pm)


Well-known member
Lost some time to work, stress and general life bullshit. Made sure to do a little today to get back at it. Simple McGill’s and hip movement day.


Well-known member
Been back in training mode for the last couple weeks, and re-structured my lifting to 3 days on 1 day off push,pull,legs type set up. I haven't posted up any pics in a long time and think it's time I post something. I hit legs today and snapped a relaxed pic pre workout. I wasn't able to hit legs for the last 5 years until recently and I'm still building my foundation back up so judge me as you will. That's my gf's mtn dew:p



Well-known member
Ripped myself a hemroid squatting today :confused: :rolleyes: I’ve never felt one “appear” like that before. New experience lol. Painful too! Finished the workout no biggie. My sleeps been really good and I think it’s really paying off. Tomorrow’s a nice Sunday rest day and I plan on utilizing it completely.


Well-known member
It's been a while but quick update on my current cycle and programming since I've added some new brands into the mix and have still been lifting.

Currently at the mid/tail end of a blast which I'm running~

500mg Test Cyp (Homebrew) weekly

500mg Test Enth (Singani Amps) weekly

400mg Tren Enth (Was DP Now, AVoGen) weekly

ADDING STARTING TONIGHT: 2iu HGH (AVoGen Bluetops) nightly aprox. 1 hour before bed, 5 days on 2 days off


I'll be finishing up the bottles of tren I received from AVoGen then dropping back into a cruise dose for a while.

For my programming I grabbed this free program Renaissance Periodization dropped mid pandemic and am still currently working my way through my first meso but I really like the splits and am seeing good progress.

My diet was sitting around 3500 calories split into around 560g carbs 60g fat and 200g protein but I've recently upped my protein and over calorie intake to 220-240g and aiming for 4k calories and left overs added into carbs.

I just grabbed some 100% rBGH/soy free whey protein isolate unflavored from True Nutrition to help hit those numbers but am still drinking casein before bed. I've been enjoying my weekends with my gf but making sure to hit my target macros best I can.


Well-known member
Today's lifts:

AM: DB Skull Crushers
BB Bench Press
Rear Raises

PM: Two Arm DB Curls
DB Shrugs
DB Wrist Curls


YourMuscleShop Rep
I’m doing a push pull leg deal too

6 on 1 off as I’m in contest prep

Also I’m using the singani test E

On fridays my back workout is 10 sets pull ups with the 4 sets in the middle wearing about 8 pounds of chains around my neck

Totally bad ass lol