Climbing your way to Superior Thighs



I had put a small thread in before regarding stadiums but i found this article in FitnessRX and wanted to put in a few excerpts from it.

the triumphant ascent to the top of the famous Philadelphia stairs was one of the first great obstacles Rocky Balboa over came in the pursuit of his dream of becoming a boxing champion. On the silver screen, sylvester Stallone's character showed that even an underdog could be a winner if he is shourded with unwavering determination and dedication, climbing those stairs required effort and deep determination, but the effort paid off. Turns out there are a few approaches to training that we glean from the boxer's training journals, that when used appropriately, can add a new dimension to your training. One simple, if somewhat brutal, approach is stair climbing. Stair climbing is designed to maintain or increase muscle definition, power and stamini in the thighs, hamstrings and calves.

Muscles Activated

Quadriceps femoris- quads
Vastus Lateralis- outer part of thigh
Vastus Medialis- inner thigh
Vastus intermedius- in between lateralis and medialis but covers the central and deeper parts of the thigh
Rectus femoris- sttaches to the hip and down to the central thigh
Gluteus maximus

There was so much more to this article.