Beginners Leg Workout Needed


New member
I've taken legs off for sometime now and need to get back into the swing of things cuz im tryin to put on strength and mass. Can yall help me out with an easy leg routine, nothing to harsh but nothing too lite. Thanks brothers.


New member
Do 2 set of 20 reps w/ rest pause that'll blow your legs up. pick a weight that you can do for 10 reps then do rest pause for the last 10.


New member
Squats - 3 x 12 at 60-65% of you max
Hex bar deads - 3 x 7 weight that will be hard your last set
Lunges 2 x 20 each leg something lighter to start, get to know your body
Ham curls 3 x 12
glute ham raises - work the hams and lower back slowly, start without weight
then you can hold a plate while doing it
calf raises 3 x 12

stay away from extensions - really hard on knees, my opinion.
Quads 12 sets.

Hams 5 sets.

Quads - 4 sets DEEP squats. 4 sets DEEP leg press. 4 sets extensions.

Hams - either 5 sets of prone curls or 5 sets stiff legged DLifts.

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid.

Leg training is not complicated. It is SIMPLE. Remember, KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

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