Been a while. Wanting to get back into it.


New member
When I was in college I did a cycle of test enanthate and a post cycle of something I don't even remember what it was. I also don't remember my dosage I was on. I know I got two vials of it and did a 10 week cycle. I was in the best shape of my life and I loved it. It's been 7 ish years since I did it and I could really use some advice and a reputable source I can get some gear from. I'm looking to lose 30+ lbs. I'm 6'0 stalky 220 lbs. Big legs and glutes naturally and barrel chested. Mostly doing this to cut and get some abs back. Last time I did it I cut amazingly and also gained muscle. How should I go about this?


YourMuscleShop Rep
I’d just run 500 mg test weekly non-stop with 50mg Anavar for 8 weeks or more

I’d also run 50 to 75 mcg t3 daily

and 80mcg Clen every morning if you can handle Clen