Advice on good bulk diet


I'm trying to bulk up I'm hoping on my first cycle of test front loaded with a small dose anavar

I would like to get anyone's opinion on what they think afe the better caloric surplus type diets.
I'm just
Looking for something tried and true.

I aim to get the very most out of this first cycle. I want to do everything I'm supposed to do.

I know eating right is the secret ingredient to a killer physique and but I get confused on like exactly How many calories should I be aiming for. I hear a good range is 4,000 5,000 or even more. I'll do whatever is optimal. I just would like to settle on a number.
I'd like a simple format I can follow.
As for protein
Is the Arnold method good enough? 1 gram per body weight?

I have no special diet I eat everything. I'm.not big on dairy except for ice cream. I don't like cheese and milk and stuff like that all that much but I eat it. I love meat of all kind and I love leafy greens. I eat lots of fresh seafood as I live on the coast I also have a candy addiction.

Fast metabolism
I'm 32 6'0
176 lbs
Like 11 bf percent currently

When Ive tried to gain weight in the past it's been through dirty bulking. Just shoveling in junk food and whatevers around me all day long. I don't rlly think that's the best approach this time around.

It kinda works though Ive blown up to like 198 lbs B4 in a very small period of time pounding protein shakes eating pizza, ice cream .and a power lifting routine. I couldnt keep up the calories though because eating that garbage wasn't sustainable for me.

I've gained a lot of explosive strength over the last 10 years through type of training I do but not ever having a real dialed in diet plan I think has held me back physique wise.

Thanks in advance.
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