8 week training goal


New member
Im looking to loose 10% BF in 8 weeks. Im 6'0", 313lbs, 32.1% BF. Is this realistic. I already know that its hardcore but is it reachable. I started monday. Diet is right on(as far as eating right), 4 meals and consumed 2200 cal a day and 150g protien. I take multi-vit ,have cardio 3X wk 30-45mins, and weight train 5X wk on low weight hi rep. Next week starting University of Houston sprint training. Trying to slim down for Football. What can expect and what should I be aware of. Also if anyone know how many calories a person like me burns resting that would be great as well. Pick it apart bros....

His Grizzness

New member
Dudesbig said:
Diet is right on(as far as eating right), 4 meals and consumed 2200 cal a day and 150g protien.

Re-read that again. Your diet is nowhere near "right on". For starters protein should probably be about double. It would probably be beneficial to eat twice as often, too. I'd also argue that your calories are way too low.

However, 30lbs in 8 weeks could very well be a piece of cake. I can't say 10% bf lost, but 30lbs is easily doable.


New member
Grizz, how would you personally go about losing that much weight in that short of time. I ask, because you seem to know what you are doing, and i would like and expert opinion.

His Grizzness

New member
Actually, I think I mispoke. I forgot that we're trying severe weightloss which would make the really low calories a necessity. I still think you should up your protein, though.

First of all, it has no impact on your insulin levels, which would be beneficial to your weight loss goals. Secondly, roughly 40% of the calories from protein are used in the process of digestion, whereas as significantly lesser amount is used to digest carbohydrates. So, replacing some carbs with protein is doubly good. I wouldn't try to lower carbs too far, though. I think you'd have no energy and not be able to make it.


Biker/Bowhunter Moderator
Staff member
Grizz is right about the protein. I would up it to at least 300g and spread your meals out to 6 per day, that will help speed up the fat burning. Try to increase your cardio as you go to 5x wk............11


New member
Wouldnt it be bad to have 1200 cals of 2000 cals protien be a bit over doing it and cutting other sources of callories short? I know upping protien increases muscle mass, but what about just sustaining it? Wouldnt half sufice? Beside, how do you split up 800 cals into 6 "meals" (and I use that lightly) a day. Y'alls thoughts......

His Grizzness

New member
Well, again, the 2000 calories might be the problem. You're still in high school, right? I think you could probably get by with 3000/day and still achieve the same results. If you still insist on the 2000 figure, then what about 250g/day of protein? That would be roughly a gram per pound of the lean weight you wish to be. That could work for you.

800 calories into 6 meals is a piece of cake. There are numerous ways to do it. 1 3/4 ounces of pasta each meal. 1/2 cup of oatmeal each meal. That's two methods. There are better ways, but those are two that come out to roughly 800 calories.


New member
why dont you post your diet?
I would bump cardio to 5x/wk and than lift weights 3-4 days /week


New member
Well first off I'm 23. I should have stated that. My diet is basic. For breakfats is a banana out the door. I work at 11am and sleep until 10 am. The banana is an improvement for sure because I had nothing for break fast for a long time. Lunch is two smoked turkey and cheese sandwiches on wheat and two cans of tuna straight out the can. I get a smoothy (425 cal, 67g protien, 4g carbs). Dinner is whatever the wife makes (couple of veggies and some other stuff). Late night snack after workout is a can of tuna and a protien shake. Thats what I eat basically. I have dropped 10 pounds since first posting this so Im doing something right. I bumped cardio up to 4x wk and high rep workouts 5x wk. This for arena football not highschool ball. I have very good training ethics, just need direction in dieting. Eat it up y'all...
