Prolactin issues


New member
I have taken test e for a number of years at a trt dose, and that's the only hormone i take currently. I was diagnosed and underwent cancer treatment ending a year ago. The doctor narcotic painkillers and I am currently using methadone to taper off. I am nearly done with the taper but i did a blood test recently and found out that my prolactin is at 18.6, which can be caused by methadone usage. I know that's not terrible but it's on the high end of normal and i have had low sex drive and occasional erection dysfunction. What is the best thing (and dosage )to take to lower my prolactin levels workout crashing it.


Well-known member
On tren or deca i use caber .5mg twice a week. Maybe want to start with .25mg one to twice a week. Prami and bromo are options but i havent used prami and bromo its been so long i don’t remember.


Active member
I have taken test e for a number of years at a trt dose, and that's the only hormone i take currently. I was diagnosed and underwent cancer treatment ending a year ago. The doctor narcotic painkillers and I am currently using methadone to taper off. I am nearly done with the taper but i did a blood test recently and found out that my prolactin is at 18.6, which can be caused by methadone usage. I know that's not terrible but it's on the high end of normal and i have had low sex drive and occasional erection dysfunction. What is the best thing (and dosage )to take to lower my prolactin levels workout crashing it.
p5p will raise dopamine which will lower prolactin….you don’t want to take too much prami or caber and only small amounts if prolactin is out of range and estrogen is in range….I take the p5p and stay off any pills or weed n drugs and try that first with a little cialis …go for bloodwork in maybe 10 weeks and see what it looks like and how you feel…I took prami once on a mild tren cycle I think I split a .25mg tabs in half and did that two or maybe three times per week for a couple weeks and that was it! Those drugs are strong and bad for heart health stay away unless you absolutely had to


YourMuscleShop Rep
YMS has pharmacy foil pop out packs really cheap both .5 mg and 1 mg

Excellent and trust me you’ll notice the beneficial effects of their caber instantly
