Post your evidence of androgen receptor upregulation or deregulation


YourMuscleShop Rep
I believe that’s called overthinking the whole situation

if receptors deregulate there would be no IFBB Pro Bodybuilders stepping onstage over 230 pounds


Well-known member
I believe it to be a myth. It comes from simply the more muscle you gain, the harder it becomes to gain more. It also comes from people going off for a while and then going back on and saying their results increased and they "refreshed" their receptors. What actually happened is whether they realized it or not, they lost some muscle coming off and then just gained it back quickly after going back on.


Well-known member
Interested to see what more of the community has to say on this topic..

Bro science > actual science

Sorry, but i will 100% of the time go with what i actually saw and felt over what a science paper tells me how it's supposed to feel.


Well-known member
I dont think there is down regulation. I think aas use is like exercises. You cant do the same work out forever. Say you always do bench you get to a sticking point so you swap in dumbell bench. new movement, new strength, new growth. You take 500mg of test after a while you dont feel enhanced you feel normal. So you swap down to 300mg of test and some dbol. Or a test deca mix.