How big will her clit get?


Female Member
How much test do you use?

Yes on 75 mg a week. Go big or go home:D haha. I am not very sensitive to it. It's the same gear Tmac uses so I know it's dosed right and I can feel the difference when I change doses. I really like the way I feel on test. I always wondered why men didn't get emotional over certain things. Now I know. It's not that I'm emotional-less but things just don't bother me the same way as when my estrogen is in charge. My temper is a little shorter and my brain/mouth barrier is a lot thinner. So I have to think before I talk sometimes. I get really amazing pumps and my sex drive is really high. If I had it in me to be a slut....:p As for clit changes, no real changes that I can tell.


Yes on 75 mg a week. Go big or go home:D haha. I am not very sensitive to it. It's the same gear Tmac uses so I know it's dosed right and I can feel the difference when I change doses. I really like the way I feel on test. I always wondered why men didn't get emotional over certain things. Now I know. It's not that I'm emotional-less but things just don't bother me the same way as when my estrogen is in charge. My temper is a little shorter and my brain/mouth barrier is a lot thinner. So I have to think before I talk sometimes. I get really amazing pumps and my sex drive is really high. If I had it in me to be a slut....:p As for clit changes, no real changes that I can tell.

Thanks for the detailed response! My wife doesn't lift, so the test dose wouldn't be for that. She does do other outdoor activities, rock climbing and such that it would be useful in that regard. I just want it, primarily, to increase her sex drive. We have tried a few other things and nothing worked. I figure I would just try 25mg right now, and adjust from there in a week or two if not much has changed.


Female Member
Thanks for the detailed response! My wife doesn't lift, so the test dose wouldn't be for that. She does do other outdoor activities, rock climbing and such that it would be useful in that regard. I just want it, primarily, to increase her sex drive. We have tried a few other things and nothing worked. I figure I would just try 25mg right now, and adjust from there in a week or two if not much has changed.

I do a lot more than just lift. But, lifting is the primary reason I do it. It's hard with women and their sex drive. I'm not suggesting this is your wife's situation, but when I was married to my ex-husband I was so upset about how everything was it greatly impacted my sex drive. I think it was more desire than drive honestly. I did go about 6 months without sex because I didn't want him. With the boyfriend, I would have had to give him a Gatorade and viagra/cialis IV cocktail to keep him up with me.
If your wife has not been to the doctor, I would suggest she see her primary and her on/gyn first to eliminate any medical reason for her lack of drive. If all is good and she is willing try test for a few weeks at 25 mg and adjust from there. Women and sex are completely different then men. Our drive is based far more on emotions and is more mental. Men is based far more on visual and physical. That's why 50 shades of gray and all the romance books are so popular with women. You don't see many guys discussing the latest greatest romance novel. women do like porn but on a different level than men for the most part.
I hope this helps.


I'm very familiar with what turns a woman on :) I was not inquiring about that, just test usage. Her test levels are low, which is why I thought of increasing it.


Female Member
I'm very familiar with what turns a woman on :) I was not inquiring about that, just test usage. Her test levels are low, which is why I thought of increasing it.

Sorry. I went in the wrong direction. Has her dr prescribed anything? If she is interested in test, try 25 mg and see how she likes it. Like I said, I love test. I would stay on year round if I could.


Active member
Here is the REAL answer. Clit growth is dependent on her clit genetics, type of steroid used and duration.

A woman with a very small tiny clit does not have the genetic receptors to develop a larger clit. The are some very muscular ladies out there using a lot of juice and have very little clit growth because genetically their clit were very small to begin with.

On the other hand a woman with a genically larger clit has more receptors and WILL respond more to the growth influence of steroids.

The is a NY doctor who specializes in sexual organ development in men and woman and has some time proving this.


Female Member
Yes on 75 mg a week. Go big or go home:D haha. I am not very sensitive to it. It's the same gear Tmac uses so I know it's dosed right and I can feel the difference when I change doses. I really like the way I feel on test. I always wondered why men didn't get emotional over certain things. Now I know. It's not that I'm emotional-less but things just don't bother me the same way as when my estrogen is in charge. My temper is a little shorter and my brain/mouth barrier is a lot thinner. So I have to think before I talk sometimes. I get really amazing pumps and my sex drive is really high. If I had it in me to be a slut....:p As for clit changes, no real changes that I can tell.

You GO GIRL! I got my 1st shot of Testosterone around 30 years ago, and after that, no one was taking my testosterone away! Lol! The worst sides I ever got from my somewhat mild use, through the years (I used mostly EQ, Primo, and Var) was my vocal chords thickened, so I get the 'yes sir' over the phone sometimes, as my voice is a little 'raspy' for a womans. I also had some hair growth on my face, around my mouth and upper lip. I ended up having a few laser treatments, and that took care of the facial hair! My clit? It got larger, and then it would go back down, after backing off all the juice I was running at the time. My friend is Cuban, with some seriously crazy genetics, and she would be proud for me to say, that her clit grew to about as big, almost as her little finger, and it is shaped exactly like a miniture penis! Thank God mine never grew like this! I believe as one poster said, that there is a genetic factor to how big any particular womans clit will grow, but it also has to do with what constituent she's running, how much, and for how long? All of this is relative and related to this topic of clitoral enlargement, and just how permanent the affects are?
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