Help. HCG dosing.


New member
Hey guys.

I have about 10 vials of pharmaceutical graded hcg 5000.

Been saving that shit up over the years.

My Dr. Says take 2500iu once every 2 weeks.

I want to A. Not kill my sperm count (which is actually why they prescribed it).
And B. Lose about 10-15 pounds.

Shouldn't I be doing 250-500iu once a day or every other day at least?

I've tried both. And can't exactly Guage what's best for my body. 2500 iu every 2 weeks makes me feel like I'm on a low dose of testosterone. And 500iu every other day kind levels me out with no significant feeling (maybe i built up a tolerance if that's possible)

Basically I want to know what you guys suggest for dosing.