Arimidex question


New member
I have been taking test cyp at 200 mg / wkly for a while now without any estrogenic side effects. Out of the blue I developed an inability to keep an erection and when I checked my estrogen was at 135. I took arimidex. And got it back down in normal range. Now im back up to 95 and having issues again. Im looking for opinions on how to properly take the arimidex...both to get back in normal range and to keep it there without going too low. Advice anyone?


Well-known member
I like to split it up. Monday and thurday when i take my shots or if thats not enough a low dose every other day. I dont like the big doses. To me it feels like highs and lows/ crashing e then rebound.


New member
On the half-life, take .5 mg Mon/Thurs. Titrate up to 1 mg Mon/Thurs if .5 doesn't fix it.

1mg EOD - unless your nipples are sore or you're crying at TVs shows - is too much to start. Bottoming out your estro with EOD dose is just as bad, or worse, than having it a little high.


New member
On the half-life, take .5 mg Mon/Thurs. Titrate up to 1 mg Mon/Thurs if .5 doesn't fix it.

1mg EOD - unless your nipples are sore or you're crying at TVs shows - is too much to start. Bottoming out your estro with EOD dose is just as bad, or worse, than having it a little high.
I want to thank you for posting this.
I never would've realized what my issue was without reading this. I am nearly certain that during my last cycle, my Estrogen was spiked high enough to cause this. All of that depression and sadness just stopped when I came off test. I'll spare you the laundry list of reasons why I believe this is the root cause of my recent "depression", but I felt compelled to thank you.