Anavar for a chic


Well-known member
I honestly don’t know. I know she backed the primo off. And now she feels like wonderwoman. She doesn’t feel comfortable talking to me about it and has only talked to her husband. I think they will elaborate more later and when they do I will post. The primo has MCT carrier oil so the pins are as smooth as you can get. I would never think 25mg of primo a week would be enough for a woman.


Well-known member
If you ever wonder about the quality of your gear, find a chic that has been busting her ass natty and let her try your gear. I would have to check the dates of this thread but it seems like she has been doing this for 3 or 4 weeks and her bench is up 40 lbs from 95lbs to 135 and climbing. She is petite and very defined. My Bro is working in Surfside Beach and sent me a pic and the dude is jacked. He hasn't really ran that much gear. Low doses of test and moderate tren, thats it. Training is still key no matter how much gear you run.

Edit: looks like about 6 weeks